David Sacks


2022-04-25 22:00:53 ( CDT )


2022-04-26 17:14:56 ( CDT )

Justin Amash ( former congressman who's libertarian and good on free speech ) asked for an intro to you : " I believe I can be helpful to Twitter's team going forward - thinking about how to handle speech and moderation , how that intersects with ideas about governance , how to navigate actual govemment ( including future threats to Section 230 ) , etc. - and I'd love to connect with Elon if he's interested in connecting ( I don't have a direct way to contact him ) . I believe my experience and expertise can be useful , and my general outlook aligns with his stated goals . Thanks . All the best . " Please LMK if you want to connect with him .

2022-04-26 17:15:07 ( CDT )

https://twitter.com/justinamash?s=21&t= Owbgwdot7IpUtC4rJUXYg

2022-04-26 17:16:09 ( CDT )

don't own twitter yet

2022-04-26 17:18:41 ( CDT )

Understood .

2022-04-28 16:07:02 ( CDT )

Do you and / or find want to invest in the take private ?

2022-04-28 16:07:06 ( CDT )


| 2022-04-28 18:10:00 ( CDT )

Yes but I don't have a vehicle for it ( Craft is venture ) so either I need to set up an SPV or just do it personally . If the latter , my amount would be mice - nuts in relative terms but I would be happy to participate to support the cause .

2022-04-28 18:13:34 ( CDT )

Up to you

2022-04-28 18:14:20 ( CDT )

Ok cool , let me know .

2022-04-28 18:15:09 ( CDT )

I'm in personally and will raise an SPV too if that works for you .

2022-04-28 18:27:59 ( CDT )


2022-05-05 21:57:06 ( CDT )

Liked " Best to be low - key during transaction "